We offer a set of PC optimization tools to help you keep your PC running smoothly. startup manager, process manager, system tuneup, and speed internet connection tools.
Cleaning Tools
Cleaning Tools it cleans and speeds up your PC. It can clean up your drive and improve the performance of the PC. PC analyze, Clean junk files, unnecessary DLL, Cover navigation tracks Tools.
Fixing Tools
Use fixing tools will optimize you windows registry which will enhance your computer's performance. Fix Registry Problems, Fix invalid Installation Information, Fix Invalid Shortcuts, and Context menu manger tools.
File Tools
A collection of tools that give you a security control over files in your PC. Files Encrypt and Decrypt, Files Shredder, Large Files Splitter, duplicate finder, and force deleter tools.
Analyzing Tools
Get full information of your PC hardware and get information of files distribution in your HDD and their size. System information, analyze disk drive, Ram optimizer, and fonts utilities Tools.
General Tools
We offer different tools to help you, one of these tool is password manager which will generate high secure passwords and manage your passwords. Registry backup and restore, password manager, registry editor, and task planner tools.